WrestleMen MatchUp #15

(SteelTrap vs. Charles)

A Red-Hot MatchUp between two slick young men!

SteelTrap begins the match by instantly pulling his victim forward into his vice-like scissors! Here you see a 1/2000 sec. stop-motion of the deadly legs caught in action!

With a couple of twists the SteelTrap coils his torso around his opponent and locks him into an excruciating body stretch. Just look at the intensity on his face!

Charles uses all of his might to try to get away, but SteelTrap locks his ankles and reapplys the agonizing pressure! Charles gasps for air.

The exhausted Charles is rolled into a savory boston crab by the SteelTrap. Just look at the muscles bulge and strain!! NICE pic!

Charles struggles as SteelTrap contorts his victim into a deadly pretzel-like hold! SteelTrap still uses his legs to secure Charles' arms from attempting an escape.

But WAIT! A quick turn of events and Charles has his hams wrapped tightly round SteelTraps neck! Slowly he expands his thighs and gives the SteelTrap a taste of his own medicine.

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