WrestleMen MatchUp #18

(Maxfighter vs. Manhattan Mauler)

Congratulations to Maxfighter for winning Gold in the Gay Games!

NYC's finest scissorman Manhattan Mauler starts off this Hot match with a sleeper/scissor combo on our Puerto Rican stud Maxfighter.

Maxfighter desperately tries to roll out of the hold, but Manhattan Mauler has it on TIGHT! I too have felt these scissors. They are deadly!

Uh-oh! What's this??? Maxfighter rolls Manhattan Mauler into a headlock even while caught up in the deadly scissor hold.

Maxfighter hoists the man in red over his shoulders and prepares for his finishing move. What kind of punishment will he deliver???

The same punishment that he had to endure! Just look at those hamstrings flatten out as he squeeeezes the Mauler into total submission!

One down and then the Gay Games. Maxfighter beat his opponent there within a minute! Send the guys an email above. Maybe you're next...

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