WrestleMen MatchUp #23

( SteelTrap vs. Jason)

Newcomer Jason Gets Trapped by SteelTrap's Scissor Action!

You might remember SteelTrap from Matchup #15. Here he is punishing Newcomer Jason. SteelTrap has put on more muscle mass. The match begins with a double-scissor hold!

SteelTrap turns his straight scissor into a fig-4 and flexes his hamstrings to guide Jason's head further into the vise...a slow enjoyable trip. Jason's head submerges into thick thighs.

SteelTrap leans back and applies the pressure while he decides what to do next. Will we ever get to have a good look at Jason???

I don't know, but I'm sure he's not complaining! Great, great shot! THICK, TIGHT, NICE!! Now that is a STEELTRAP!

SteelTrap temporarily releases his scissors and pulls Jason's arm behind his back. Thanks to Bach1369 for taking these great pictures. Check out his great scissor stories.

What a nice way to end up, all wrapped up and no place to go. 8-)

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