WrestleMen MatchUp #64

(The Pool Play Boys)

This year's Okie Rumble pool was alive with speedo-clad wrestlers! Click on the pics to supersize them!

There were plenty of backbreaking lifts this year at the Okie Rumble pool. Here Matpain gives friend Scott a lift in the center of the pool.

Richard attempts a flying head scissor but instead gets flipped over the shoulders by his lucky opponent, Chris.


Matpain slaps a full nelson on friend BuffMuslMem. See their oil

Two guys, two backbreakers! See more of this on the streaming videos page.

With arms held back by BuffMuslMem,
Matpain takes a swap to the chest.

Make a wish! Matpain continues to be
tortured by his pool buddies.

A tag team shoulder match ensues as the six
guys struggle to keep their balance.

Richard (top) and BuffMuslMem (bottom) are the victors! WOOF guys, nice work!

BuffMuslMem applies a water-tight headscissor on Matpain before making his way poolside. Click on any pic in this match to supersize it.

The final five (top: Scott and Richard; bottom: Chris, Joe, Mike) give us one more great shot. Thanks guys for letting us take pictures!

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