WrestleMen MatchUp #59
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( WrestlerVic vs. JB )

Thought it was about time I brought back my patriotic lycra shorts for another two-page match with newcomer JB in what I have appropriately entitled...



The match starts off almost like how my last one ended....with me locked tight in a HOT sleeper hold. Gotta like it!

But along with wearing the shorts comes my duty to fight back against the enemy...and so I pull JB into a VERY constricting ankle scissor hold!!


Now I roll him into a body scissor and reverse headlock combination!

"How about you taking a little nap yourself!" I say as I lock JB in my own sleeper/scissor combo.

Shit! JB escapes and now he makes his move to fight back.

Damn! The enemy has me locked into a front sleeper giving him a good look at me as I suffer!

NOT so fast guy! My moment of pleasure has arrived as I wrap my legs around JB's head and right arm in a fucking tight Fig-4!

I flex my calves and thighs even tighter while taking FULL advantage of my enemie's precarious situation. Continue to Page 2 of this match!
Continue on to PAGE 2 of this HOT match!

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