WrestleMen MatchUp #59
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( WrestlerVic vs. JB )


Oh so nice! Nice view of America huh JB! Mountains and valleys and
MOUNTAINS! I love seeing him suffer in my head scissors!

Thought I'd throw a little twist into the situation as I nelson his arms back while still applying the straight head scissors from behind.


Oh shit, a surprise attack! JB puts me in a head scissor now and rolls me around the mat!

Hey, I can play that game too! Who will win in this 69-scissor standoff???????

Both of us are still hanging in there! Nice butt there JB! WOOF. Good picture!

Suddenly I break FREE, but continue to apply the pressure to my weakening enemy!

Now my powerful hamstrings tighten in around JB's neck like a noose! Give boy GIVE!

Ahhh! It was all friendly fun after all. The way it should be. Send JB an email to hook up!

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